
Teacher’s Fund for Retirement

TFFR Background

The Teachers’ Fund for Retirement (TFFR) was established in 1913 to provide retirement income to North Dakota public school educators. TFFR is a qualified defined benefit public pension plan covered under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. The North Dakota Century Code (NDCC) Chapter 15-39-1 contains the statutory language governing the Fund and is supplemented by Title 82 of the North Dakota Administrative Code.

Responsibility for administration of the TFFR benefits program is assigned to a seven-member Board of Trustees (Board). The TFFR benefits program is administered by the staff of the Retirement and Investment Office (RIO).

TFFR funds are invested under the direction of the State Investment Board (SIB) following the ‘Prudent Investor Rule.’ The investments must be invested exclusively for the benefit of the TFFR members. Three TFFR Board members serve as voting members on the SIB.


TFFR employers play a vital role in the successful operation of the retirement program for ND educators. TFFR offers a variety of materials to assist districts in timely and accurate employer reporting of member salaries, contributions and service hours. Please use the Employer Guide as reference tool and the Basic Reporting Webcast may also be helpful for business managers.

TFFR Employers Webpage

TFFR Employer Guide

Basic Reporting Webcast

Retirement 101 TFFR Basics  Presentation 2020

New Business Manager Workshop Presentation 2021


This quiz should be taken after viewing the TFFR resources. The quiz is worth one-half credit. Your score will be recorded online.  No proctor form is required.

Students may take this quiz and receive credit once a year.



The TFFR staff offers many services in an effort to keep you informed about your retirement program. TFFR offers Retirement Education Workshops in the summer and Group Benefits Counseling sessions in the fall. Retirement 101 and Teachers in Transition (for those schools that are closing) presentations can be offered as requested. Please view Upcoming Events at for scheduled programs. 

Student can receive 1/2 credit for participating in a Teachers’ Fund for Retirement Workshops.  The workshops are free to attendees.  Complete the Affiliate/Continuing Education Credit Form and submit to me at to receive credit.  


Questions about TFFR benefits? Email: Denise Weeks at

Questions about the quiz? Email: