
Records Management



Course is designed to instruct North Dakota business managers on:

1. The importance of records management 

2. How to research records retention schedules

3. How to implement records management systems in their school districts


4. State and federal laws on school district records


By the end of this course, business managers should be equipped to:

  • Explain the importance of a good records management system and assist district with implementing such a system
  • Identify when a records breach has occurred
  • Identify when student educational records can be released without parental consent
  • Provide records retention recommendations based on law and best practices
  • Provide records destruction recommendations based on law and best practices


The course consists of:

  • One survey (Unit 1)
  • Four lectures (Units 2-5)
  • Two assignments (records inventory and records retention schedule)
  • Fifty participation points for answering lecture discussion questions

To access the course syllabus, click here.

The course has several suggested reading assignments and several supplementary resources associated with the lectures.  This material is available in the course toolbox


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